
Sunday, September 29, 2013

SV#1: Unit F Concept 10 - Finding all real and imaginary zeroes of a polynomial

Please watch my video by clicking here 1) In this problem we are given a quadratic that is not factor able and we must find the factors and well as zeroes. To do this first we begin by using Descartes rule of signs. In this method we are able to figure out how many zeroes are real positive and real negative as well as an estimate if there are any imaginary zeroes. After that we then use the rational root theorem Then we just use synthetic division until we are reduced down to a quadratic.We just factor and find the rest of the zeroes
2) The thing we must not forget is that the odd degrees switch signs in Descartes rule of  sings . Also for the p's and q's it is tempting to also include the q's over p's but those will not work. Also remember that if you are not finding a zero hero in the beginning instead of plugging in all the number you may plug it into a calculator and find some zero heroes. Also until it is reduced down to a factor you still have to conduct synthetic division.

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