
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Reflection#1: Unit Q Verifying Trig Identies

        1. It just meas to break it apart. Essentially that is what you are doing. They both mean the same thing in the end. There are different ways of doing it. Verifying is not done by some specific way. There are so many different thought processes to do it. Some take a lot of time while othere take minimal time. Pay careful attenton to your work. Memorize the identities.
        2. Memorize!!!!!!!! Once you memorize the trig functions, everything else comes together. When your stuck just convery everything to sin and cos that helps. Take everything apart step by step. Another trick that is helpful is to multiply by the conjugate when its a fraction and you don"t know what to do. NEVER divide by an identiy. Most likley when you have the urge to do that just multiply by the conjugate. Verifying is the easiest because you already know the answer, all you need to do is find a way there. Try different identities. Break it apart.
        3. When i first look at a problem the first thing I think of is sin and cos. They are easiest to deal with when they are in sin and cos. HOWEVER, always check if theres an identity there. For example any of the pythagoreom theroems can be hidden etc. Next i hope that things start to cancel or if there is a fraction multiply by conjugate. Most likley if things get messier you are not doing it right. I feel like most of it is trial and error. You plug and chug and eventually you get yur answer. Patience is key

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